Terms and Conditions of Sale
1) All sales are final.
(a) Recurrent charge agreements are not cancellable prior to the initial minimum subscription period of twelve months without prior authorization from CAVU
(b) Hardware, in original condition, may be returned after receiving a return authorization number from CAVU and a 25% restocking fee may apply.

2) If you purchase EFB-Pro for iPhone/iPad;
(a) You must select on the order form your preference to be charged on the yearly, monthly or quarterly basis. You are agreeing to a minimum subscription period of twelve (12) months.
(b) You agree to these charges to your credit card at the beginning of each billing period until the term of your installment are completed. Failure to pay any installment on time can make all remaining installments immediately due.
(c) At the completion of the initial term, the subscription will automatically renew at the then current rate and the customer's chosen billing period unless written cancellation notice is received prior to the renewal date.

3) If you purchase any of the following options, within section 3, for EFB-Pro for Windows or FAA Forms or HACCP Pro:

a) Annual support
b) Runway database
c) Wx portal

You agree to an automatic annual charge on your credit card on the anniversary date of the sale of the above products in section 3 at the then current rate. This section does not apply to section 2 above.

4) For all purchases, it is the customer's responsibility to notify CAVU, in writing if you wish to cancel this service after the initial minimum subscription period.

Notification must be made prior to the renewal date (month and day) of the original sale.

5) CAVU is entitled to reasonable collection fees, attorney fees and other expenses incurred to collect all charges on your account(s).
January 15, 2025
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